Take the BbWorld13 Mobile App Tour

Headed to BbWorld13? Be sure to install the free BbWorld app before you arrive to plan your scheduled, connect with other attendees, and easily access the latest conference news and updates. Watch this tour to learn more about the features in the app.

Nominated for Blackboard Key to Community Award – Voting Open Until July 1st


I was honored to learn that I’ve been nominated for Blackboard’s first ever Key to the Community Award. This award will recognize Blackboard clients who go above and beyond the call of duty to support, share, and contribute to the success of their peers and colleagues in the Blackboard Learn and Blackboard Collaborate client community. Twenty three individuals have been nominated for the Key to the Community Award. Six winners will be awarded at the Blackboard Client Community Center during BbWorld.

Blackboard is leaving the decision of who will receive the awards up to the vote of Blackboard users – who has provided you with great information, answered your questions, shared something you were able to leverage at your own organization to improve the way teaching and learning happens? Voting ends on Monday, July 1st at 11:59pm ET.

You can VOTE HERE. I’d appreciate your vote 🙂

Spread the word on Twitter, #votebbworld13

How to Setup Custom Flipboard Subscription for #ET4Online

If you are looking for an elegant way on your mobile device to follow #ET4Online conversations on Twitter, consider creating a custom section on Flipboard for following the saved Twitter search #et4online. Here’s a quick tutorial on how to do so.

Similar steps could be followed to add other streams of #et4online social media to Flipboard…give it a try!

Sharing My ET4Online Experiences and Takeaways

For the next several days, I’m in Las Vegas for the Sloan Consortium 6th Annual International Symposium on Emerging Technologies for Online Learning. I’ve had the privilege of serving on the steering committee for this conference this year and also will be presenting.

I look forward to accepting the “challenge” of sharing my experience and takeaways of the conference. My blog here will be the primary home for my shared notes and social media, more to follow on my plan to knit my social media tools together to here on my blog and to “mob log” my experiences using just my iPhone.

Let the sharing begin! You’ll find me sharing my et4online experience at the following social media locations.

I'm sharing on Twitter I'm sharing on Google+ I’m sharing on Instagram and Flickr I'm sharing on a blog I'm sharing on YouTube

Presence and Engagement in Online Teaching

This video, found thanks to Graham Attwell, highlights the role of the teacher in creating and sustaining a learning community, developing presence and fostering engagement.

What additional tips might you offer faculty seeking to develop a sense of “presence” in their online teaching?