Sheryl Burgstahler provides a wealth of information on her web page concerning accessibility issues in educational technology:
What is “Universal Design?”
For more information on “Universal Design” for accommodating a diverse target audience, view these URLs:
The Instructional Use of Learning Objects – Online Version
This is the online version of The Instructional Use of Learning Objects, a new book that tries to go beyond the technological hype and connect learning objects to instruction and learning. You can read the full text of the book here for free. The chapters presented here are © their respective authors and are licensed under the Open Publication License, meaning that you are free to copy and redistribute them in any electronic or non-commercial print form. For-profit print rights are held by AIT/AECT. The book was edited by David Wiley, and printed versions of the book are published by the Association for Instructional Technology and the Association for Educational Communications and Technology. If you find the online book useful, please consider purchasing a printed copy.
IBSTPI Competencies for Instructional Design
The International Board of Standards for Training, Performance, and Instruction has developed a set of standard competencies for those involved in instructional design at: