With the recent upgrade to Blackboard Learn 9.1 April 2014 release at Northern Illinois University, we enabled the Blackboard Portfolio tool, designed to help students maintain documentation of their education, samples of their work, and evidence of their skills. ePortfolios, such as the Blackboard Portfolio, contain an organized collection of artifacts (for example, assignments, photos, video) as evidence of accomplishments.
To help students and faculty get a better feel for the layout options as well as media elements that can be included in a Blackboard Portfolio, I created the following sample Blackboard Portfolios to demonstrate the layout and organizational options available:
Sample Layout 1: Left Vertical Navigation
Sample Layout 2: Right Vertical Navigation
Sample Layout 3: Right Navigation Box
Sample Layout 4: Top Horizontal Navigation
The layouts shown above all use the same default color scheme, which can be customized in any layout to a wide variety of color palettes.
Here are a few additional screenshots shared by Blackboard showing a few additional sample portfolios.
More Blackboard Portfolio Resources
The NIU Faculty Development and Instructional Design Center is developing a comprehensive set of documentation, guides, and tutorials for faculty and students in their use of the Blackboard Portfolio tool. Visit niu.edu/blackboard/students/portfolios for more info.
Has your institutional implemented the Blackboard Portfolio tool? Leave a comment and let’s connect.